Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Reece Safety Products' range of aluminium safety padlocks use the popular dimple key system and have over 20,000 differs to choose from. The company can also control your lock number control on request as a free service using its Sentinel programme.
The padlocks come in a range of 9 vibrant anodised colours and they are fully key retaining to prevent a padlock being left in place without being locked.
The major benefit of the locks is that the lock number is laser etched into the aluminium body on one side and, unlike some padlocks, the differs supplied will not overlap with each other and are clearly marked on the key head and body of the lock.
Keyed Alike padlocks are now available and for both these and the differs, the company has two shackle lengths of 38mm and 75mm to suit the most popular application requests.
Stand HS52
Unit B9
Lowfields Close
Lowfields Business Park
01422 310456