Representatives from the Food
Storage and Distribution
Federation (FSDF) have been
participating in a working group to
produce new industry guidelines on
how to achieve compliance with the
2002 Dangerous Substances and
Representatives from the Food
Storage and Distribution
Federation (FSDF) have been
participating in a working group to
produce new industry guidelines on
how to achieve compliance with the
2002 Dangerous Substances and
Explosive Atmospheres Regulations
(DSEAR/ATEX), for complete
refrigeration systems charged with
The group was set up by the Air
Conditioning and Refrigeration
Industry Board (ACRIB) after a
stakeholder meeting in November
2010, which addressed the current
conflict between DSEAR and BS EN
378 regulations. The group includes
representatives of the Institute of
Refrigeration (IoR), the Food Storage
& Distribution Federation (FSDF)
and other Air Conditioning and
Refrigeration Industry Board
(ACRIB) members).