Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
In direct response to customer requests, The Forbes Group (Forbes Technology) has launched its new Chemical Filling Station.
The company stated: "Our customers want to make tanker offloading of hazardous chemicals safer and more straightforward, and for many years Forbes had been commissioned to build bespoke filling point stations as part of turnkey installations.
"The economical, new Forbes filling stations, ensure that a safe and secure point for the controlled delivery of hazardous chemicals is now available to even more customers."
Suitable for either pressurised or pumped tanker discharge, the offloading stations have been designed to maintain chemical containment when uncoupling the tanker hose. Drips and minor spillages are enclosed within the filling station.
A modular and compact design, either a single unit or multiple enclosures, the stations can be bolted together at one filling area as needed. The cabinet doors are fully lockable allowing the end user complete control over the tank filling process. The labelling on each cabinet makes it clear which station feeds into which tank, as well as communicating its chemical contents.
New Road
Kings Lynn
PE33 9AS
01366 389600