Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
NEW AND improved technology throughout the Hellberg Safety communications product range delivers advanced protection.
With a range of up to 3km the new Hellberg Local hearing protector and communication headset makes it easy to talk to with colleagues - without the hassle of taking off your ear defenders.
Hellberg Local is a radio transceiver/receiver and does not require any external devices, such as cell phones or external com-radios, to enable communication between users. What’s more, the Hellberg Local provide high noise attenuation performance, a noise-canceling boom microphone for clear speech quality, and ‘Active Listening’ microphones for ambient awareness.
It’s just one PPE solution in a wide range of eye, face, hearing and communication solutions that have been developed and independently tested in “real-life” situations for optimal performance to deliver products that are comfortable and reliable in any risk environment.
Unit N3 Gate 4
Meltham Mills Ind Estate
01484 85 47 88