Kelly Rose

Control, contain and collect dust

Dust is an expensive nuisance that can impact on an organisation's employees, finances and company reputation. Yet with a little bit of thought and a zero cost investment, the problem can be eliminated, according to Sunrise Tools & Equipment.
Consider some of the costs of dust: 
  • Power tools need clean air to keep cool. Dust-laden air coats internal workings, reduces cooling and accelerates wear on switches and moving parts. Dust destroys expensive power tools. 
  • If your employees can’t see what they’re doing, they’re more likely to make mistakes. Dust slows progress and increases the risk of expensive errors. 
  • Dispersed dust takes time and money to collect; capturing dust at source is quicker and cheaper. 
  • Dust is a nuisance for other tradesman or innocent passers-by. Complaints disrupt work schedules and threaten future opportunities. 
  • But most importantly, dust is a direct health hazard for your employees and other persons in the vicinity. 
Dust control and extraction features are common on many power tools or can easily be added. Attaching a ‘hoover’ allows the majority of dust and waste products to be captured before they can escape into the atmosphere.
Sunrise Tools & Equipment provides a wide range of dust control products. We have many years experience in providing practical solutions for controlling, containing and collecting dust in construction and maintenance situations. Click here to view our product range summary and to access the full Dust Control in Construction article. 

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Sunrise Tools & Equipment

Unit 37
Romsey Industrial Estate
Greatbridge Road
SO51 0HR

{01794 830 841}

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