Memco and its sister company TL
Jones have teamed up to supply 185
Pana40+ 3D elevator door safety
systems and 600 dot matrix elevator
displays to the Delhi Metro in India.
The systems will be installed in over
200 elMemco and its sister company TL
Jones have teamed up to supply 185
Pana40+ 3D elevator door safety
systems and 600 dot matrix elevator
displays to the Delhi Metro in India.
The systems will be installed in over
200 elevators supplied to Delhi
Metro by Kone and Johnson Lifts.
Memco's Pana40+ 3D system
incorporates two independent
detection systems: the
first is a light curtain of
infra-red beams crisscrossing
the elevator
car's doors; the second is
a 3D proximity
detection system in the
landing zone. Any object
interrupting the direct
beams or reflections
within the 3D detection
zone will trigger the system and reopen
the elevator doors.
Benefits include increased
passenger safety and improved traffic
flow, as well as reduced collisions
between trolleys, wheelchairs,
pushchairs etc, and the elevator