Kelly Rose

Dual drug testing

DrugWipe Dual ultimate employee drug screen from Dtec International is a cost effective and simple inhouse performed, on-site drug screen, ideal for bus, coach, construction, logistics and industrial operations lookingDrugWipe Dual ultimate employee drug screen from Dtec International is a cost effective and simple inhouse performed, on-site drug screen, ideal for bus, coach, construction, logistics and industrial operations looking to operate a credible drug and alcohol screening system.

Other systems only see very recent drug use because they screen saliva alone, or involve the innocent majority of employees in an offensive, dirty, complex and time consuming on-site urine collection and screen. DrugWipe Dual with one device, non intrusively samples and rapidly checks both saliva for short term drug consumption and skin for longer term drug use showing possible impairment from the night before, thereby providing the ultimate employee drug screen.
Dual drug testing
Dual drug testing
Company Info

D. Tec International Ltd

P O Box 914

0800 371 898

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