Kelly Rose

Landing gear access

Access equipment innovator, Planet Platforms has designed and installed a mobile work at height solution to safely access various components in and around the landing gear of aircraft. At just over three metres platform

Access equipment innovator, Planet Platforms has designed and installed a mobile work at height solution to safely access various components in and around the landing gear of aircraft. At just over three metres platform height, the bespoke unit is built with a combination of steel and aluminium, is robust enough to be towed, whilst not being too heavy to manually position and deploy the attached inclined ladder.

Used for inspection purposes, the unit can be quickly and easily towed into position and features adjustable ladders to cater for access to different heights of the area. Spring-loaded jacks are used to lock the unit once it has been wheeled into position, as they are quicker to engage than winddown jacks.
Landing gear access
Landing gear access
Company Info

Planet Platforms Ltd

Brunel Close
Century Park
Wakefield 41 Industrial Park

0800 0854 161

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