A seminar at the Health and Safety
Reform 2011 Conference, organised
by Swiftclean, drew people
responsible for Legionella prevention
and safety.
Anthony Hoare, head of
surveying at Swiftclean spoke of
achieving fullA seminar at the Health and Safety
Reform 2011 Conference, organised
by Swiftclean, drew people
responsible for Legionella prevention
and safety.
Anthony Hoare, head of
surveying at Swiftclean spoke of
achieving full compliance with
legionella legislation.
Under COSHH regulations,
owners and operators of all
commercial and public sector
premises, have a statutory duty to
control the risk of legionella bacteria
in water systems. Swiftclean is said
to be one of Britain's leading
providers of services to ensure that
organisations are fully compliant.