Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Signs For Safety, a manufacturer of safety signage in the UK, has launched a new concept in emergency first aid chart design.
With a greater emphasis on data retrieval speeds, the company hope the new design will lead to vital life saving measures being administered sooner, thus increasing survival rates.
The fully illustrated, ‘First Aid at a Glance Guide’, uses 15 easy flip tabbed dividers, arranged logically into key emergency categories, ensuring information can be found faster than ever before. A white board on the reverse allows for easy customisation like adding key emergency contact information.
“We believe these innovations set our guide head and shoulders above the competition," owner and chairman Terry Egan said. “Combined with its lifesaving potential we’re expecting the ‘First Aid at a Glance Guide’ to become one of our most sort after products."
To learn more visit:
Warnstar Sign And Print Limited
3-5 Holmethorpe Avenue
01737 762400