Kelly Rose

Look closer at efficient fleet management

Taking a closer look at the breadth of fleet management responsibilities can be daunting. The role requires understanding the business strategy and knowing how a vehicle fleet can best contribute to meeting objectives, in the long, medium and short terms. It demands expertise across a spectrum that can range from automotive mechanics to health and safety legislation.

Vehicles have to be sourced and kept on the road cost-effectively. Running the fleet efficiently might start with keeping down the costs, but does not begin and end with finding low-cost fuel, tyres and other consumables. It involves everything from maintenance scheduling to route planning. Drivers have to be checked and, where necessary, trained or re-trained.    

More strategically, the fleet must meet stringent duty of care obligations. If any of the fleet’s vehicles is involved in an accident, regardless of the immediate cause, subsequent investigation may find the organisation at least partially responsible. Any finding of duty of care neglect by the fleet manager is likely to bring serious consequences for the organisation.

A comprehensive range of cost- and time-saving fleet management services are available from The FuelCard Services to monitor and control your fleet emissions, improve your duty of care compliance and reduce the risk of costly, time-consuming accidents. The services also address the continuing cost of vehicle service and repairs, and improve efficiency in everything from fuel consumption to licence checking, from documentation to whole-life costing, while cutting your fuel bills.

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Company Info

The FuelCard Services

The Black Barn
Manor Farm
Manor Road
OX12 8NE

0844 273 7077

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