Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
According to The Work at Height Regulations (WAHR) 2005 being just a few centimetres above ground level constitutes work at height and must be properly planned and where possible performed using the correct access equipment.
When you site this place of work inside a nuclear reactor a raft of additional working criteria emerge. As access in and out of the reactor is only achieved by passing through small apertures around its circumference, a modular and flat-packed solution was required.
It also had to be easily and quickly assembled thus increasing the working time within the reactor and limiting exposure to the environmental conditions. The working surface also needed to be concaved with pipework at various locations.
Using Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Publisher, the design and technical teams at Planet Platforms overcame these obstacles to produce a proven working model with supporting literature. The finished platform was just over 600mm from the reactor floor.
Brunel Close
Century Park
Wakefield 41 Industrial Park
0800 0854 161