Safety First Aid has launched its first
antimicrobial range of first aid cases.
The Evolution Antimicrobial range
of first aid cases are
suitable for
settings where it
is essential that
standards are
maintaSafety First Aid has launched its first
antimicrobial range of first aid cases.
The Evolution Antimicrobial range
of first aid cases are
suitable for
settings where it
is essential that
standards are
maintained to the
highest level, such
as medical and catering
environments. The
antimicrobial properties
of the cases also enable them to
help reduce the spread of bacteria in
schools and workplaces.
The antimicrobial properties are
achieved by adding the compound
SteriTouch to the plastic during the
manufacture process. The
SteriTouch additive is effective in
killing a wide range of organisms
including bacteria
such as MRSA, EColi,
Enteritidis and
Listeria by utilising
the natural
sterilising properties
of silver. This
effectiveness has been
tested and has EFSA, EPA and
FDA registration as well as being
notified on the European Biocidal
Products Directive.The cases are
available in three sizes.