Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
The new range of bellows cylinders from Aventics comes with new pricing and improved performance.
They retain their shape but are still flexible, are powerful yet gentle, require little but can do a lot, according to the company. They can handle any environment and are reliable over a lifetime, making them suitable for demanding applications.
Bellows cylinders are suitable for short strokes and large forces. They work without mechanical friction surfaces that move against each other – rendering seals and lubricants unnecessary. As a result, they are virtually wear and maintenance-free. They offer high forces, low height, are simple, and robust. They also enable angular movements and axial offset, and provide frictionless movement, with a no stick-slip effect.
Additional features include a high resistance to media and temperatures, and high corrosion and acid resistance. Aventics' bellows cylinder program offers bellows cylinder for any task and operating condition. As a specialist for pneumatic automation solutions, its range also covers the matching components – including expert consultation.
Sunningdale House
Caldecotte Lake Drive
Milton Keynes
0845 6030025