Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
It is very easy to find modern systems where a live feed remains in place despite the energy source being isolated.
A remaining single phase or a floating neutral could give a harmful shock to any engineer believing the panel to be isolated and the subsequent reaction may create a much more dangerous situation through a fall or collision with a vehicle.
Whilst all know the well-established process dictated to "prove dead" before any work is carried out, it is a common failing when the pressure is on to carry out the maintenance to minimise downtime. A non-fatal electric shock could easily cause major harm through a fall or sudden movement.
A new isolation indicator has been launched by Reece Safety Products that clearly shows a safe state before the panel is even opened, so rendering the risk of shock as zero. The company says that this can provide a major step forward for a typical high-paced manufacturing environment to dramatically improve both safety and efficiency.
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01422 310456