Kelly Rose

Next generation of real-time operations-management tools

Checkit has unveiled new operations management tools and compliance consultancy services.


Applications include facilities checks, health and safety due diligence, security, maintenance and customer experience.

The worlds of human work and Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensors are coming together to create smarter, more efficient workplaces.

To meet increasing customer demand for real-time, digital operations in businesses where mobile workers must perform many routine activities - while ensuring compliance with policies and service-level agreements - Checkit has upgraded its Work Management, Automated Monitoring and 

Operational Insight tools:

  • Checkit’s powerful Work Management application is now available on any Android mobile device in addition to Checkit’s robust, food-safe Memo hand-held device. Customers can choose the bring-your-own device (BYOD) that is most appropriate for their work environment
  • Digital checks and workflows have become location-aware. Businesses and teams can be sure that the right thing is done by the right people, at the right time and – now – in the right place
  • A user working through a Workforce Management checklist can now be notified to interrupt their routine in order to attend to an alert in systems monitored by Checkit’s Automated Monitoring tools
  • Additional features include the ability to grab photos to add to records as work is done, and for documents to be made available to application users, giving instant access to reference and training information and policy descriptions.

Launching alongside a newly unveiled compliance consultancy service, the upgraded offering is said to give growing businesses in any sector total confidence in their compliance commitments, letting them focus their efforts on crafting a great customer experience.

Applications range from smaller businesses who need a simple, effective productised solution to industry giants looking to rapidly build and manage their own processes.

According to product and marketing director, David Davies: “Organisations that embrace technology will be better equipped to thrive in the economic environment of the future. The challenge has been to apply this to front line workers with the right cost, flexibility and control. Checkit now bring this within reach for even more situations. Whether you need an out-of-the-box digital-safety solution, a complete compliance service or an intelligent platform that provides real-time visibility of teams, locations, processes and trends – Checkit is guaranteed to improve your businesses performance.”

Real-time solutions

Work management

Compliance consultancy service

01223 941450 http://
Company Info

Checkit Europe Ltd

Broers Building
JJ Thomson Avenue

01223 941450

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