Kelly Rose

Open house collaboration

Manufacturer of laser-guided vehicles (LGVs), Elettric 80, recently arranged a day of client activities with Carlsberg Sweden at its plant in Falkenberg. The visitors were first introduced to Carlsberg Sweden by warehManufacturer of laser-guided vehicles (LGVs), Elettric 80, recently arranged a day of client activities with Carlsberg Sweden at its plant in Falkenberg.

The visitors were first introduced to Carlsberg Sweden by warehouse manager Kristoffer Andersson, who also explained the reasons behind the decision to opt for an automated warehouse solution from Elettric 80, and what experiences have been gained during the installation process and the three years of running the system. He also listed additional unexpected benefits the system has added to Carlsberg's value chain in terms of safety and quality.

Carlsberg Sweden's block storage, flow racks, automatic battery change and picking stations were shown.
Open house collaboration
Open house collaboration
Company Info

Elettric 80 S.p.A.

Foreningsgatan 19

+46- 31 743 47 40

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