Kelly Rose

PPE vending

QuickVend Systems reported high enquiry levels from many leading manufacturers at the Safety & Health Expo 2013, where the company highlighted case studies including an installation at Nestle.

Nestle, Dalston, prepares food products in clinical surroundings and any PPE replacement, production line replenishment or item from stores can involve operatives in lengthy procedures, changing and re-changing work wear to maintain the hygienic requirement ‘line side’.

The solution for PPE is the QuickVend ‘VersaoLift’ with highly visible items in numbered rows, across multiple shelves, stocked one behind the other facilitating the FIFO method (first in, first out) providing optimum stock rotation. Operative ‘Key Card’ access identifies individual accountability, each transaction and a record of each visit.

01684 294921
Peter Hanson Stores Controller & Finlay Grace
Peter Hanson Stores Controller & Finlay Grace
Company Info

QuickVend Systems LLP

Unit 66 Basepoint
Oakfield Close
Tewkesbury Business Park
GL20 8SD

01684 294921

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