Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
In today’s digital world, one of the biggest changes in innovation to the prescription safety eyewear market is how the service is delivered, more so than what’s used to protect the eyes.
Of course, the quality is always paramount, however we believe the shift towards how the service is delivered and managed is now seen as the main buying consideration.
With managing a prescription safety eyewear service there was always the fear of a complicated and time-consuming process. People demand simplicity and efficient services, and rightly so.
With this in mind - we turned our attention to how our prescription safety eyewear programme was delivered to the market. In order to achieve our mission, we developed a fully web-based solution that met the following elements: simplicity, integration, traceability and control. We set off with this challenge and in 2012, EyeTicket was born.
EyeTicket was developed as a paperless ordering solution and moving to a fully electronic service provides the customer with full history, tracking, traceability, monthly order reports, reminder service and most importantly control. Using eyewear profiles, opticians processing EyeTicket orders can only order glasses that are permitted in accordance with the customers unique eyewear profile.
Eyewear profiles assists the optician to which frames and lenses are permitted by the organisation. This streamlines the service and reduces delivery times.
In some cases, we even found that after demonstrating how it worked, customers instantly wanted the service without even looking at the safety frames available.
How is EyeTicket different to other online providers?
Accessible through over 2000 opticians branches we feel that allowing a trained professional to ensure the fit and vision is accurate is highly important to the overall package we deliver.
We feel that the optician’s network is an important step because they will
Take all the necessary frame and lens measurements precisely
Processes the order to the manufacturer (MCR Safety).
Fit the spectacles specifically to the individual wearer before dispensing.
Ensure the wearer can see clearly through all areas of vision particularly in multi-focal lenses
Not only does the optician provide the service for the sight testing and fitting, they are your employees point of contact should an issue arise. If the optician cannot resolve the issue they are the link between the employee and MCR Safety (the manufacturer). All in all, the optician provides that extra level of peace of mind.
Simply put, your health and safety officer has already identified that your employees are working in an environment where there is risk of an eye injury, not only to the wearer but also to others. Can you imagine if a fork lift driver caused an accident due their spectacles not fitting correctly?
Using our online ordering solution, EyeTicket, is designed to give our customers the best of both worlds for online ordering and utilising the skill and knowledge of our high street opticians.
For more information on our prescription safety eyewear products and services, please visit our website www.mcrsafetyeurope.com/rx or call us on +44 (0) 1922 457421
Middlemore Lane West
Redhouse Industrial Estate
01922 457 421