Kelly Rose

Protective clothing for extreme environments

Hazards are omnipresent in many production processes, but today’s production plants boast considerably higher safety levels in comparison to previous decades.

Today, ensuring maximum safety for all workers in a workplace is paramount. That is why new protective clothing is required that supports the workers’ well-being at any time. HB Protective Clothing describes itself as the competent partner for all companies looking for high-quality PPE garments that are completely safe, comfortable to wear and fashionable. 

“It pays off to concentrate on safety,” key account manager Eddie Impey said. “Even in the most hazardous working environments, the issue of safety comes first. We offer the right clothing to withstand extreme working environments.”

For its comprehensive customer base, HB offers a broad range of protective clothing against hazards like arc flash, heat, flame and splashes, chemicals, as well as ESD and hi-visibility reflective clothing. In 2014, HB was awarded ‘Best Occasional PPE’ at the British Professional Clothing Awards.


+44 7415
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Company Info

HB Protective Clothing Ltd

C/o HB Schutzbekleidung GmbH & Co. KG
Maischeider Strasse 19


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