Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Rebo Systems are proud to officially launch their very own in-house sign and labelling system at the A+A exhibition.
As an event that is central to innovations in workplace safety, Rebo feels this is the most significant gathering of safety professionals, an audience that would appreciate the immediate advantages of the new and exciting SMS R1 ‘colour and cut’ safety sign and labelling system.
The SMS R1 is truly a ‘first’ in new product design and functionality. Designed to be fast, flexible and productive, the R1 can print in up to 14 colours and cuts any shape in any quantity required.
Rebo – an SME dedicated to the in-house sign and safety industry – have taken the initiative to design and manufacture a true – designed for purpose – sign and labelling system. Their whole focus being the feedback from the market after over 40 years of OEM delivery.
The SMS R1 can output varieties of different shapes and coloured signs in one rapid process. From safety signage, maintenance labelling, facility marking and general hazard notification – the SMS R1 is undoubtedly the ideal solution for safely signage with any message and in any quantity at any time.
With technology at the forefront of the R1 development – the printer does all the talking, meaning it can be placed anywhere and can we networked or used as a central resource.
The operating system and driver of the R1 have been streamlined to allow any software to be used to create unique and varied designs and output.
Everything from loading the slide-in ribbon cassettes to the self-loading supply rolls have been rethought and redesigned to make it easy to use and with an absolute minimum of any frustrating operating delays.
With ribbon saving, high performance cut and print speeds and an astonishing capacity to print over 10 meters of continuous output – the R1 is the most productive and cost effective system to date.
Rebo have worked continuously to promote its extensive range of on-demand, in-house sign systems into the Health and Safety market. Response from Rebo Systems various articles and advertising has been a source of continuous support in our product developments.
Having the capability to design and print safety signs, in- house and on-demand, has been a growing need in the market. Using print houses and catalogues has limitations on speed of delivery and also flexibility in the risk message being highlighted.
Risk and Safety are a mixture of the ‘unexpected’ and the ‘ongoing’ – some areas of risk are perpetual and easily defined. Unexpected or even short term risks need immediate notifications, complete with the correct colours and pictograms and with a customised text that defines the immediate risk or hazard. Using a desk top system is the ideal solution, one that allows the sign or notice to be designed, proofed and printed in minutes – using materials that endure all environments and remain in place in all weather for up to ten years.
As one of only five key manufacturers globally servicing this ‘niche’ market, Rebo is the first European company to take the initiative to design and manufacture a product that fits, exactly, what its customers have been asking for.
Roel Richmond, Managing Director and the products key designer comments: “We believe, strongly, that the SMS R1 is the best product on the market today. We have distilled all the key ‘wish lists’ of our extensive customer base and analysed the competitors’ products to finally arrive at what our SMS R1 delivers for the Safety Professional in Industry today”.
As a company with an extensive International distribution network, Rebo Systems is keen to expand its coverage even further and is actively recruiting the right companies to be resellers globally.
Clinton Church, Export Sales Manager, says; “It’s a different ball game when you transition from a master distributor to a manufacturer. We have all the infrastructures in place to be a leading player in this Industry. Our goal is to get a truly global network in place over time and to continue with innovative and new systems as we progress”.
Even the design of the SMS R1 takes into account the need for cross border acceptability. All the functions of the onboard colour touch screen use universal images to give clear instructions without the need for languages. The design software supplied with the system is multi-language capable and the unique print driver will, ultimately, be in all major languages.
Rebo Systems is an SME with a highly specialised knowledge of a market it has serviced for over 40 years. It has a well-established manufacturing centre that can source and convert as well as develop ‘bespoke’ materials that will perform in any number of different environments and be used for a myriad of different applications.
For more information, visit www.rebosystems.com
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