Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Rebo Systems recently ‘launched’ their new SMS R1 colour and cut, sign and labelling system at the A+A exhibition in Dusseldorf.
Previously Rebo have ‘highlighted ‘prototypes’ to the market but this was the event chosen for the big reveal.
The product is a ‘designed for purpose’ safety sign printer that prints in up to 14 spot colours and can cut virtually any shape, in a matter of minutes.
With a bespoke printer interface, the SMS R1 allows almost any software to create multiple shapes and coloured safety signs and labels straight from the desktop.
“We were delighted with the number of resellers showing interest in the larger International arena plus the number of companies actively requesting quotes prior to purchase. As the central Health and Safety event in continental Europe, the A+A was certainly the right place for Rebo to make this important introduction.” comments Clinton Church, export manager.
In-house sign and label creation is a steadily growing need in the Health and Safety arena, with the growth of new risks and customised safety messages needing to be produced and placed to protect workers with greater speed and efficiency.
Localised environments, multiple languages and the evolving requirement of safety regulations creates a need for immediacy and customisation in safety messages for work forces in Industry today.
A European first, Rebo are the only European company, so far, that has both designed and is manufacturing such a product.
“To date it’s been the American and Japanese corporates that have dominated this market, so I felt it was the right time for our business to take the decision to transition to a manufacturer. I set about designing what I truly believe is the best amongst the rest in our market”” says Roel Richmond, managing director and the chief designer of the SMS R1.
Rebo Systems is an SME based in the Netherlands, with over 45 years serving the safety market as a distributor and delivering several OEM’s. They have extensive knowledge and understanding of customers needs and the requirements of the modern safety environment.
Photo: R to L. Clinton Church, export manager. Rob Richmond, company founder. Roel Richmond, Managing Director.
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NL-3762 EV
+31 356016941