Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
With 9.5 million working days lost in the UK in 2014/2015 due to work-related musculoskeletal disorders, work-related manual handling injuries are a very real cause of loss of productivity (HSE statistics 2015).
If you’re not sure how to protect your employees and yourself from the implications of accidents at work, Advanced Handling can help.
With 40 year’s experience, Advanced Handling say they are the experts when it comes to bespoke materials handling equipment. They offer a one-stop-shop for lifting trolleys, overhead lifting, stackers, scissor lifts and mezzanine goods lifts as well as creating bespoke solutions if needed. Experts will be available at The Health & Safety Event to discuss your requirements.
The PRONOMIC light weight lifting equipment will also be available for a “hands-on” demo so you can feel for yourself how easy it is to use. The lifting trolleys are in operation worldwide within food and drink manufacturing, automotive manufacturing and servicing, pharmaceuticals, textiles, commercial printing, retail, post and archive rooms to warehouse operations.
Stand D62
Newcombe Way
Orton Southgate
01778 345365