Kelly Rose

Repair damaged racking

Nene Storage Equipment, provider of industrial and commercial storage equipment, has partnered grocery and general merchandise retailer Tesco to develop a solution to repair damaged racking with minimal disruption.

The concept encompasses an enhanced, impact-tested sacrificial leg together with a specially developed machine that can support racking loads of over 20 tons whilst the leg is being changed. 

Following intensive testing and demonstrations to Tesco’s engineering and health and safety managers, the go ahead was given for Nene to replace all 7546 existing sacrificial legs in the distribution centre. 

Brian Blakeman, Nene’s operations director, said: " We have finished three months earlier than was specified in the contract and Tesco is delighted with the outcome. Now instead of taking days to download product to repair damaged legs, repairs can be quickly carried out by Tesco’s engineering department without disruption to working practices saving precious time and money."

tesco grocery warehouse trade
tesco grocery warehouse trade
Company Info

Nene Storage Equipment Ltd

Nene House
Station Road
Watford Village
4NN6 7XN

01327 300456

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