Kelly Rose

Risky location warnings

At the recent Emergency Scotland 2011 exhibition, lone worker service provider, Argyll, announced the release of PRiSM a Proactive Risk and Safety Management service. PRiSM is a free of charge service to Argyll's cliAt the recent Emergency Scotland 2011 exhibition, lone worker service provider, Argyll, announced the release of PRiSM a Proactive Risk and Safety Management service.

PRiSM is a free of charge service to Argyll's clients and stakeholders. It enables organisations with lone workers to identify and log the location of specific risks, such as violence and aggression, and then ensure worker safety by providing early intervention using powerful search tools or by issuing proactive alerts to lone workers as they approach the risk.

This innovative solution is thought to be the first proactive service of its kind operated within the lone worker industry. The service has been developed by Argyll in consultation with Nick Arnold, the current Chairperson of the National Ambulance Security Group and LSMS based at East Midlands Ambulance Service who initially came to Argyll seeking a solution to enable an intelligent proactive link between workers and known locations of risk. This brought about PRiSM, which complies with NHS Protect National Guidelines.
Risky location warnings
Risky location warnings
Company Info

Safe Shores Monitoring Ltd

Suite 402 111 West George Street
G2 1QX

0141 2803999

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