Kelly Rose

Sales going up

Memco is celebrating a groundbreaking first year in sales for Memcom, its elevator emergency telephone, with exceptional sales across Europe. "We were confident we had an excellent autodialler in Memcom," says Paul Mong

Memco is celebrating a groundbreaking first year in sales for Memcom, its elevator emergency telephone, with exceptional sales across Europe. "We were confident we had an excellent autodialler in Memcom," says Paul Monger, Memcos senior UK sales manager, "having built the product to address issues customers were reporting with other autodiallers .

"The speed and level of success of the product in its first year has surprised even us though." Michael Hadlow, head of operations for the Nova Lift Company, Kent has switched purchase of all autodiallers to Memcom. "The product is very reliable and because of that we experience less down-time with our elevators," says Hadlow.
Sales going up
Sales going up
Company Info

Memco Limited

Clyde House
Reform Road

01628 540 161

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