Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
O’Donovan Waste has been awarded the prestigious Sir Frank Davies Trophy at the Mineral Products Association (MPA) Annual Conference and Awards.
Nigel Jackson, chief executive of the MPA, says: “The winner of the Sir Frank Davies Trophy for outstanding practice and performance for those companies with fewer than 1000 employees was O’Donovan Waste Disposal who, the judges felt, had sustained their health and safety performance year-on-year, transferring health and safety from a mere priority to a true value.”
The award was presented to Jacqueline O'Donovan, MD of O'Donovan Waste. She comments: “I am absolutely honoured for us to win this award. We work hard to ensure that health and safety is not only a top priority at O'Donovan, but it is second nature to the team in every operation we carry out."
O’Donovan (Waste Disposal) Limited
Markfield House
82 Markfield Road
N15 4QF
020 8801 9561