Kelly Rose

Stand up for hand hygiene

Global Handwashing Day is celebrated around the world on the 15th October each year to raise awareness of the benefits of hand washing and inform good hand hygiene practices.

Manty Stanley, managing director at TEAL Patents – the manufacturer of portable hand washing units, said: “It’s well-known worldwide that the gold standard in infection control is washing hands under warm, running water with soap. Yet, many countries still use alcohol rubs.

“A study found that washing hands with soap and warm, running water, reduced infection rates by 50% while hand gels only reduced the rate by 30%. Gels only mask known germs but new germs develop each day.”

TEAL Patents has been working with UK infection control departments for over 15 years, developing a range of mobile and portable hand wash basins and sinks.

0121 770
teal's hygienius mediwash
teal's hygienius mediwash
Company Info

Teal Patents Ltd

Unit 2 Waterloo Avenue
Chelmsley Wood Industrial Estate
Chelmsley Wood
B37 6QQ

0121 770 0593

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