Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
Just as the demand for better air quality in towns and cities grows, public sector budgets are diminishing, so the need for better, more effective, lower cost monitoring has never been greater.
The Air Monitors’ exhibition stands (3 & 4) at AQE 2015, the air quality and emissions show (Telford, 22-23rd April), will therefore feature the latest technologies for: improving spatial and temporal monitoring; reducing capital and operational costs, and improving data access.
The Air Monitors stand will also feature two major new toxic gas detectors – the Thermo TVA2020 and the Honeywell SPM Flex Chemcassette tape-based gas detector.
Air Monitors’ technology will feature prominently in the AQE Demonstration Arena under the theme 'Monitoring on the Move', and registered visitors will also have free access to four Air Monitors workshops: AQMesh – Low Cost Ambient Air Monitor; New Airborne Dust Monitoring Technologies; Industrial VOC Monitoring; and The Internet of (Environmental) Things.
Units 2/3 Miller Court
Severn Drive
GL20 8DN
01684 857530