Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
The Prefabricated Access Suppliers’ and Manufacturers’ Association (PASMA) has launched an advanced training course: Towers with Cantilevers.
It's the latest in a series of advanced courses that reflects the fast growing use of towers in more complex and demanding applications. The course is aimed at a range of industry sectors – including construction, refurbishment, cleaning and facilities management – where access is required over fragile surfaces and large or awkward structures.
Developed specifically for the more experienced tower user, ‘Towers with Cantilevers’ explains and illustrates the essential principles of counterbalance when using kentledge in cantilever calculations.
It also interprets and explains the relevant sections of BS 1139-6:2014, the standard that specifies the requirements for complex structures such as towers with cantilevers that are outside the scope of BS EN 1004, the European product standard for normal towers.
‘Towers with Cantilevers’ focuses entirely on how to assemble and dismantle these advanced tower structures - together with their limitations – in standard configurations supported by the relevant manufacturer’s instruction manual.
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