Kelly Rose

Watch out for broken glass

The kerbside collection of glass generates so much noise that without
the use of hearing protection, a loader could receive their eight hour
legal limit of exposure in just twenty minutes which is akin to a racing
car mechanic
The kerbside collection of glass generates so much noise that without the use of hearing protection, a loader could receive their eight hour legal limit of exposure in just twenty minutes which is akin to a racing car mechanic working in professional motorsport. David Wilford explains more...

I first became involved in undertaking noise surveys when I worked for a Formula 1 engine manufacturer.

Anyone who has watched a formula 1 race live at the track could confirm how incredibly noisy it is. The engines are not fitted with silencers so when I was asked to undertake a noise survey at a Silverstone test I knew the results would be high. Personal dosimetry showed daily dose figures between 98 dB(A) and 103 dB(A) depending upon where the engineer was working and the type of tasks they were carrying out. Spot measurements were typically above 110 dB(A) and it wasn't unusual to see peak measurements above 140 dB(C).

Everyone involved in working at the track knows about the risks posed by exposure to engine noise and the modern safety culture, certainly now the case in formula 1, is such that it is unusual to find anyone not wearing their hearing protection at a Grand Prix. This wasn't the case in the 1960's and 70's though, where the wearing of hearing protection was seen as unnecessary. I've met many retired mechanics who have severe hearing loss due to noise exposure during those times.

Fast forward four years to my first noise survey for a local authority measuring exposure levels for recyclers collecting glass in the street. Again my suspicions were that it would be fairly loud, but once I'd downloaded the data from the Cirrus doseBadges I was shocked at the results.

The overall daily dose levels varied from 93 dB(A) up to 99 dB(A), or in other words between 600% and 2200% above the second action level of 85 dB(A). So without adequate hearing protection being worn permanent hearing damage would eventually be the result.

When glass impacts on glass, i.e when a plastic box or wheeled bin is emptied, extremely high levels of noise are created.

Peak levels above 140 dB(C) are possible and during a typical shift a recycler can be exposed to peaks above 137 dB(C) on numerous occasions.

The Cirrus doseBadge personal dosimetry graphs printed below show a typical exposure trace for a racing car mechanic and a glass recycler.

Noise Graph

We all know about the hierarchy of controls, but in both industries it's difficult to do much about reducing the source of the noise, so PPE inevitably becomes the principle controlling measure. There is one significant difference however between the two industries. In modern formula 1 motorsport most personnel accept that hearing protection should be worn, understand why and the implications if they do not. But my experience when conducting a number of noise surveys for local authorities is that ear plugs or ear muffs are viewed by many as optional. The reason usually given is that wearing hearing protection may pose a far greater and potentially more immediate hazard to the individual due to the negative effect on their awareness of other environmental noise such as road traffic. There is also a general lack of concern about exposure to noise when collecting glass.

It may also be the case that as local authorities do not universally undertaken glass collection and for those that do it is a relatively recent development, cases of noise induced hearing loss have not yet surfaced and become widely known about by the workforce.

Striking a balance
So the challenge to local authorities is to strike the correct balance between protecting their workforce from the damaging effects of noise exposure whilst at the same time not subjecting them to another hazard. They also have to provide information, instruction and training and undertake monitoring to ensure procedures are being followed and satisfactory wear rates of PPE are being achieved.

With the hard of hearing retired mechanics in the back of my mind I felt I must do something to help get the message across, and I came up with the idea of creating a free of charge video toolbox talk. Through a simple, to the point message a specialist hearing aid practitioner. Jonathan explains what the end result will be if hearing protection isn't worn and the simple steps a recycling collector can take to reduce their exposure to noise. The film also dispels the myth that hearing loss can be corrected by wearing a hearing aid and at one point audibly simulates what it's like to have damaged hearing.

The 5 minute video is available for download free of charge from
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No Going Back Productions

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01858 410278

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