UKAS accredited Keighley
Laboratories offers a comprehensive
weld testing and inspection service,
including welding procedure
consultancy and approval, welder
qualification tests, on-site weld
investigation and, through
UKAS accredited Keighley
Laboratories offers a comprehensive
weld testing and inspection service,
including welding procedure
consultancy and approval, welder
qualification tests, on-site weld
investigation and, through its newlyupgraded
Test House, a complete
range of destructive, non-destructive
and metallography testing facilities.
The weld test and inspection
team's resources are broadly divided
between the specialist aerospace
field and general commercial
welding. Both are led by fully
qualified metallurgists who are also
approved by the Civil Aviation
Authority as Weld Specimen
Supervisors, able to witness and
verify critical aircraft-related
welding on the authority's behalf and
invigilate at customer sites.