Kelly Rose

Work together

Health and safety practitioners are being encouraged to work together by the as part of the Health Risks at Work Initiative in Scotland. The initiative has won a BSIF award for excellence in safety, and aims to support

Health and safety practitioners are being encouraged to work together by the as part of the Health Risks at Work Initiative in Scotland. The initiative has won a BSIF award for excellence in safety, and aims to support small and medium-sized organisations with a package to improve awareness and management of health risks in the workplace.

The 'Health risks at work - do you know yours?' initiative offers a support package comprising a DVD and quick reference cards on common health risks encountered at work, offering guidance on identification and management of sources and support on treatment of exposed staff. It also provides access to a range of organisations, including the HSE, the Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives, the Scottish Chamber of Safety and RoSPA.

Stand 170
Work together
Work together
Company Info

Scottish Centre For Healthy Working Lives

Princes Gate
3rd Floor
Castle Street

01698 208188

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