Kelly Rose
Kelly Rose
The OMATION range of products from OPEX represents a comprehensive and cost-effective entry level range of postal processing options for guaranteed fast, safe and accurate mail opening.
The OMATION Model 2112 is a compact Envelopener designed for mailrooms and offices with volumes of 200 or more envelopes per day. Fast and efficient, the OMATION Model 2112 can process up to 400 envelopes per minute.
With milling cutter technology, it completely opens envelopes without any damage to contents, allowing fast extraction and eliminating the frustration and increased handling partial-opening can cause.
The OMATION Quiet Jog offers accurate alignment of various sized mail, cheques and documents; while the OMATION Model 306 is a refined and quiet milling cutter that removes chips as small as 0.01" from the envelope edge for safe and secure extraction.
29/32 Queensbrook
Bolton Technology Exchange
Spa Road
01204 388838